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Food Bank

We have a small service providing emergency food assistance to residents of Linwood and the immediate surrounding areas.


We are now open but we will be changing up how we do food assistance. This page is a work in progress.

Applying for the first time? Here's what you need to know.


You must provide current proof of address within our service area.

Service Area

We service residents of Linwood and the immediate surrounding areas.

Limits Apply

Food assistance is provided per household with a limit of 3 per year.

How our food asssitance works

Operating Days & Hours

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri

9.00am - 11.30am

Our service is comprised of food that has been kindly donated by a variety of sources.

If you are in need of assistance with food, you're welcome to come see us along with your current proof of address* and we will endeavor to help.

*Even if you have come to see us before, we still require you to bring a valid proof of address with you. This could be a screenshot of a bill, a letter, or anything that has your full name, and address. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I send someone else to pick up my food?
    A social worker may be able to pick up food on your behalf, but family members, or friends cannot.
  • Is there any paperwork that I need to do?
    Yes! There is a quick and easy form to fill out with your personal details. You will also need to bring along a proof of address with you. If you need any assistance with the form, we are always willing to assist you.
  • Are you able to deliver the food to me?
    Unfortunately, no.
  • Do I need to bring my proof of address every time I collect food assistance?
    Yes, even if you have seen us before, we still require proof of address to make sure that you are still within our area.
  • How much food will I get?
    You will receive 1 bag of basic food items and 1 bag of toiletries. All bags are pre-made and they all contain the same items.
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